Wednesday, January 30, 2019

theHunter Call of the Wild - Fleischer #1

It is time to go hunting for Red Deer!
The mission goals are:

  • Travel to Bohndorf Lake
  • Harvest a Red Deer
OK, I got lucky and pretty much stumbled upon a pair of Red Deer when I arrived at the lake. Climbed a rock to get a better view and took the shot.

As always, track, move slow and low and keep wind in your face and you will be successful.

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theHunter Call of the Wild - Fleischer - A Deer Canyon

It is time to go hunting for Red Deer!
The mission goals are:

  • Travel to Bohndorf Canyon
  • Find 5 red deer droppings
Just find the tracks from one red deer and follow it until you collect all 5 samples of dropping.

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theHunter Call of the Wild - Fleischer - A trophy to remember

It is time to go hunting for Red Deer!
The mission goals are:

  • Travel to Rotwald
  • Harvest a male red deer and earn a BRONZE score or higher
I've mostly found Red Deer in the are around the two lakes. Well, you will run into them elsewhere as well but those lakes give nice shooting options.
Red Deer males are usually easier to scare then the females so be sure to sneak around and make low noise. Also keep the wind in your face (if you don't have the anti odor spray)

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

theHunter Call of the Wild - Jäger - The Lost Son

A man tracking mission.

  • Travel to the cabin at the Rathenfeldt Strawfields
From there, when you arrive you will spot already marked tracks of a human. The mission is basically to just follow those tracks until the mission is completed.

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Saturday, January 19, 2019

theHunter Call of the Wild - Sommer - Smell like a deer

In this mission we will help Mr Sommer to evaluate a new roe deer scent spray by using it to harvest three roe deers in Köningsberg.
Mission goals are:

  • Travel to Köningsberg
  • Use the Roe Deer Scent
  • Harvest 3 roe deer

I started out at a outpost in Köningsberg by heading to the shop and buying a Roe Deer Scent. Be sure to put it in your backpack and then to your quick use list from your inventory before heading out.

I think that the idea when using scents for hunting is to actually move with the wind on your back instead of the normal wind in your face way. I.e. spray some roe deer scent and head out in the direction that the wind is blowing.

I also used the Roe Deer Caller to help with the odds. 

Usual tactic is:
  • Roe deer calls out
  • I stop and use the Roe Deer Caller
  • Use binoculars to spot the animal
  • Use the Ranger .243 rifle to place a bullet in the animal
Do this 3 times and you complete the mission.

Roe deer hunting is usually quite straight forward even without the scent, just be sure to not run around once the roe deer has made its initial call, you don't want to spook it as it runs to the other side of the map in a blink if it decides to.

Hope this helps someone out there!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

theHunter Call of the Wild - Sommer #1

Another tracking quest. This time from Mr Sommer and the mission is to track Roe Deer

  • Travel to Spreeberg
  • Identify a call from a roe deer
  • Find a track from a roe deer
  • Find droppings from a roe deer

Easiest way to do this is to run until you find tracks, follow them until you find droppings. Meanwhile use your roe deer caller every 30 seconds. Roe deer are very alert and usually keep in the area, chances are if you make some noise and run around following the tracks the roe deer will notice you and call out a warning call.
Just remember to not do the mistake that I did. After I found the tracks and identified the call I happened to shoot the roe deer and harvest it, and the game removed all traces of that individual. Ended up running around another 10 minutes to find another roe deer just to find its droppings.

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theHunter Call of the Wild - Sommer - Mr Sommer's Bow

This time we will go fox hunting with a 60 lb bow.
This one took me 8 attempts, some for hours and some shorter over a 2 week period to complete.

The mission goal from Mr Sommer is:

  • Travel to Spreeberg
  • Harvest 1 fox downed with 60 lb bow

The region in Spreeberg where I've mostly found foxes is the Spreeberg Lake area, namely the narrow passage where the road goes between the two bodies of water.

The tactic I finally was lucky with was:
  • Run around the area until you find fox tracks, use the Jackrabbit Predator Caller every 30 seconds in case you get lucky.
  • Slow down and move while crouched and follow the tracks
  • When you find fox spilling that is 'Just now', stop and find a higher position with a better view like on top of a rock. Lie down and use the Jackrabbit caller until you spot the fox and then try to judge the distance with the help of you map by placing a waypoint
  • Take the shot with the bow. You need to get up to crouch position to use it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Replaying: Rage

Played this back in the Xbox 360 days, remember how it came on two discs and when the game started it made sense as Rage was one of the better looking games on the Xbox 360. I.e. it felt like a new console generation compared to the other games at that time.

So, some years later I saw that this came on the Xbox Game Pass service and decided to test play it again in preparation for Rage 2 later this year (hopefully)

First replay impressions

Still seems neat.

One thing that I didn't like was the old style save system where you must save the game manually all the time. A good checkpoint system would have benefited this game. But hey, it still works!

First mission: Rage - Quell the Bandit Threat

Friday, January 4, 2019

theHunter Call of the Wild - Bhandari #5

This time we will be hunting bisons, not just for photos..

Mission details:
  • Harvest a male bison weighing at least 700 kg
No area restrictions in this so I decided to move south to the Rinderland Gorge area. There are usually always bison tracks on the path from the outpost to the hunting stand so that's where I begun.

Directly when I hit the open ground I saw 2 bisons, one male and a female. Why I didn't take a shot there directly is the question. But after a while of tracking (moving in crouched position) I came up on them again and downed the male.
Less then 700 kg but I found tracks of another bison in the 650-800 range and started tracking that one. But again no luck.
And again found tracks of another and tracked it for a while until I got a shot at it and it was also less then 700 kg.
Lastly I found tracks of a beast of 745-90 kg and thought that it for sure would be more then 700 kg. The tracks went a little back and forth around the area and then suddenly it was 50 meters from me, a quick shot with my Rangemaster got in a flesh wound, I guess the game bugged a little as I found it standing 10 meters from the first hit and was able to put 2 more bullets in it before it went down.
Harvest results: 745 kg, mission completed.

Not my cleanest hunt in this game but was kind of fun at least. Took some questionable shots but in the end this is just a game, not the kind of shots I would take on a real hunt.

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theHunter Call of the Wild - Bhandari #4

Another bison quest. This time a photo challenge in the Ernsdorf area.

Mission details:
  • Take a picture of 3 different bisons in Ernsdorf

I managed to sneak a picture of a bison directly after completing the #3 mission, he also got me pretty good in the night time and I had to restart at an outpost. (still the picture counted)
My tactic for the rest of this mission was to do it in day time, didn't like the bisons during night.
Mainly I ran around the mountain in the northern Ernsdorf until I found some tracks and started following them while crouched.

The thing with bisons seems to be that they just suddenly appear in front of you if you have done everything right, i.e. no sound and sneaking around stealthily. I ran into a horde of them and just clicked some pictures and finished the mission.

theHunter Call of the Wild - Bhandari #3

Time has come for our first real bison hunt. No area restrictions, so I decided to try my luck in the Ernsdorf area.

The mission is as follows
  • Harvest a female bison at night

As I did not have any big game weapon I first decided to grind roe deer, red deer and red fox until I got 60000 for the Rangemaster 338. That took a while but was a lot of fun.

Once I had the rifle, I set out into Ernsdorf in the late afternoon with the intention to find bison tracks before nightfall. Once I did I started to follow them and pretty soon in became dark and I had to use my flashlight.

Bisons move a lot and even their walk is fast, so be sure to be silent but fast to catch up. Probably you will catch them at their next need zone.
Spot a single female bison with your binoculars and aim low behind the front leg.

Move forward and harvest it. Be aware of the other bison in the area as they may decide to kill you.

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the Hunter Call of the Wild - Fleischer #3 session two

Session two of the Fleischer #3 mission where the goal is to Travel to Bohndorf Hill Harvest 2 red deer at night No luck this tim...