It is located at the docks of a Unidad base in the East of Itacua, close to the river.
I found the best entry is to actually enter the area to the west of Itacua called Ocoro. From there move close to the river and scout the area with the drone. There should not be that much activity down at the docks, just one or two Unidad soldiers (I ran into one).
Enter the docks by swimming across the river following the green path on the map. Just sneak up to the roof of the building to find the weapons cache containing the Super Shorty
Other Weapons easily reachable when starting out:
- Weapon MG121
- Weapon M40A5
- Weapon Super Shorty
- Weapon M1911
- Weapon 556xi
- Weapon M1891
- Weapon M4A1
- Weapon ACR
- Scope T5Xi Tactical
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